Saturday 3 November 2012

Rubber Leaves

Rubber Tree is very popular at rubber plantation for rubber industry in South East Asia. The Rubber Tree Leaves have 12-15 pairs of side-veins and a further network of very fine veins. This delicate venation and the ability of the leaf to disintegrate in water gives good benefit to create rich appearance of skeleton leaves which will be utilized as a attractive decoration of handicraft goods.

The increase in the price of rubber in the country to benefit the garden planters, as previously sold relatively low price made it difficult for them to manage finances.

Not only that, the rubber tree is also beneficial if the wood and leaves it can be varied for specific purposes, including furniture.

However, for a group of womenfolk in Kuala Tembeling here, they choose to be rubber leaf spring as one of the branches of entrepreneurship in finding sources of income.

Project guidance Smallholders' Development Authority Rubber Industry (RISDA) under the Association of Female Smallholders (PWPK) were operated by 10 housewives. The handicraft that can be produce such as decorative flowers, flower eggs, picture frames and bookmarks.

To produce such handicraft, the leaves used to be a quality measure of the size to 10 inches. The selection of the leaves is very important to get a satisfactory result and the leaves will be soaked and turns to a beautiful white skeleton leaves.

Meanwhile the drying process was only conducted using the fan only and should not be placed in the sun because it will become brittle and easily torn

source: rubber leaves produce a commercial product, rubber green leafvillagers generate various local products

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